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Introducing The Game Changing Item In League Of Legends Preseason 2023

WEB Navori Quickblades Completely Remove Cooldowns from Basic Abilities

Introducing the game-changing item in League of Legends Preseason 2023

Prepare yourself for a revolutionary shift in the League of Legends meta with the upcoming Navori Quickblades item changes in Preseason 2023. This groundbreaking update will completely eliminate cooldowns from basic abilities, unleashing unprecedented possibilities and dramatically altering gameplay dynamics.

Unleashing a Torrent of Abilities

With the removal of cooldowns, champions will now be able to unleash a near-constant barrage of basic abilities, transforming team fights and skirmishes into a whirlwind of action. Fast-paced champions like Yasuo, Riven, and Akali will excel, weaving through opponents with relentless aggression and unending combos.
